Thursday, July 17, 2008

30 Day Give

At LifeSong, over the last couple of weeks we have set our hearts as a church to deal with serving others as a practical way of showing the Love of Christ. Has it worked? Absolutely, we have had families give like crazy. Few stories:

1. We have taken up close to 1,000 pairs of socks for the homeless community.
2. Families have bought groceries for single mom's.
3. Give our landlord additional $500 just to be a blessing.
4. Families giving waters our to workers
5. Gentlemen works a second job and all of the money from the second job over the next 30 days is to help needy families.
6. Free movie in the parks.
7. LifeSong feeding the security and the community association of Southern Highlands.
8. Help support pastor's in Honduras and provide schooling for families in Kenya.
9. Many more stories that I'm actually forgetting right now!!

It's so cool because I can see how families are truly looking for opportunities to pour into others. Over the course of the month, we haven't asked families to give one penny extra to LifeSong; however we are seeing our greatest month of giving since we have started. Proof ....... if you keep your hands open, it is amazing what God will entrust you with.

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