Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Game of Life..... The Game of LifeSong

Over the next couple of Sunday's, LifeSong is exploring the idea of the game of LIFE. It was really cool to hand out board games at gifts for first time guest. Now, you are probably saying "wow, how much did that cost?" I shared the thought with someone and they bought 21 games. They probably would have bought more but they cleaned Wal-Mart out. Another family went out and got 4 games. What's the point? Let God's people take what God has put in your heart and let them run with it. They may mess it up but so will I.

The point of the Series to to explore our core values for guest before we publicly launch our church, JUNE 15. Wow it's here!!

1. Connecting with our Community -- COMMUNITY
2. Family Matters -- FAMILY
3. Moving down the tracks -- DISCIPLESHIP
4. It's not about our churches -- MISSIONS

FYI, the company that makes the game will let you personalize the board game to fit your church. It is a great and fun way to communicate what LIFE is all about ..... and in our case what LIFESONG is all about.

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